Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 61-Earthquakes & Viruses & Life oh my!

Hello everyone! 

We have been on lock down for about 1 week. We've got plenty of food, humor, and supplies to last us 2 years ;)

Serbia is on lockdown. Airports are closed and boarders are shut down. There is a curfew of 5-17.
The lines to get medicine and food are long. Especially because you have to be 2 meters apart.
But we are super safe and happy. Ride the wave🌊✌

We started the week in Novi Sad. Masks, gloves, sunshine.
Sister Toleafoa and I went out and played basketball for exercise time and even got a little sun burnt! THEN

We got a call from President on Saturday that we needed to move to Belgrade in 2 hours.
We packed all our supplies, clothes, and everything--then scrambled to Belgrade.
There are 4 sisters total in Serbia and now we all live together in the old seniors apartment.
We have wifi now and do all our work from inside! 

We have slowly lost senior couples in our mission, but there are still many holding on!
 All young missionaries are still here! 

MANY BLESSINGS have come from being inside. 

-We started a Novi Sad branch group chat that has been unifying the members. 
-We taught come follow me via Facebook Messenger. 
-We've been in contact with our friends we are teaching using different sources of technology.
-We taught English through the phone! We did a group call and had lots of fun(:

Life is just different now. As it is for everyone around the entire world. I never saw something like this coming.
 But now it's here. So let's surf this wave. Turn to God. Read your scriptures. Repent. Pray.
And most of all BE GRATEFUL (: God is good. 

Random Things(:

Every night at 20:00, the people of Serbia hang out windows or go on balconies- and they clap!
So us four sisters go out on our balcony and we clap too! We clap for all those fighting the virus and also for unity.
It's such a simple thing, but when the sky fills with applause and joy - it really makes our spirits sour!
It is so cool to hear the clapping above and around...... We look forward to 20:00 every night.

The Book of Mormon videos are SO good! Go and watch them(no excuses youre trapped because of the virus) 

I've seen lots of adorable pictures of missionaries returning home!
I'm grateful for my amazing friends and family and their example of selfless service in and out of the mission field.
I'm truly blessed to have all of you as examples.

There was an earthquake in our mission this week. (end of the world?) We are all safe and happy!
We know in Whom we trust. 

I am grateful for the ultimate healer Jesus Christ. He heals us from physical, mental, and emotional pain.
Please get to know Him. Study His words, read about His life- because it will change yours. I love Him.
I am grateful for Him. I know everything will be okay because He lives.
The One who controls the seas still controls this world. I know in Whom I trust. 

BIG prayers. BIG faith. BIG hugs. 


I love you all! You are in my prayers! 

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