Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Week 60 Test-imony

I will quote a few Serbs:

"Serbs have ice in their vains.. We don't freak out about viruses."

OR yet another one

"I fear God, not this stinkin virus"

I love my fellow Serbs. The virus is slowly coming to Novi Sad.
 Day after day we see more and more masks. But all is well (: 

Our amazing Senior couple the Fitches are leaving tomorrow.
Sad to see them go, but they have blessed the people here in Novi Sad
 for a year and a half and have served the Lord with full spirit. Novi Sad is changed because of them. 

This whole week we were out and about talking to people and knocking doors!
The sun was shining, and the trees smell amazing!
This following week we will be staying inside more and being cautious. I
t's hard to know what will happen day to day- but we roll with the punches and the Lord's work goes onward. 

We taught a lesson today with our friend Filip.
 He loves reading the Book of Mormon with us and studying deeply what it means.
 He has a BOM at home, but every time we read he gets out his phone and takes pictures of the pages.
He sometimes brings his friends along to study with us and it is makes us smile lots!

We had the Sacrament with the Elders and our Senior couple.
It was a tender moment for sure. I am grateful for the Savior. 

As the Fitches bore their departing Testimonies to us in their living room-i thought of what strengthens Testimonies.
They talked about the tests and hard things they'd gone through.
 But how grateful they were for those tests that now have turned into trust in the Lord.
Our tests today really build our 'test'imonies tomorrow.
So work hard through the test of life today, and you'll look back and be grateful for the testimony you hold.
TEST TIME. Growth time 💗

Бог је са нама (God's with us) 
Сестра гитинс

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