Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week 40 109 Book of Mormons!!!

Zdravo svima!!

As I said in the last email, we were in the Belgrade book fair. It is one of the biggest book fairs in Europe. As Brother Savić said," so many books you could swim through them!" 

We had a stand where we displayed pictures of Christ and things from the Bible and Book of Mormon. People would come up to US and ASK US about the Book of Mormon (someone asking missionaries about the BOM is one of the greatest things ever!) We would get to explain it, answer questions, and then offer to meet up and explain more. We got lots of numbers and Facebook's and in total gave out 109 Book of Mormons!

I got to see my favorite sister ever Sister Hart! The Novi Sad sisters came down to help with the book fair! 

We got to spend lots of time with members this week as they helped with the stand. Brother Savić and Petar told us lots of stories and cool things from the past. About what they were doing the day Belgrade was bombed, or their conversion stories. The members here in Belgrade are the best! They have such strong testimonies and they know the scriptures so well. I am so grateful for their examples and to be serving in Belgrade! 

Spiritual Thought:
The talk given by Sister Aburto in the women's session is so powerful! She talked about mental clouds of darkness or other things we struggle with. We are asked to be Perfect by our Savior. And this can be a cloud that overwhelms us. But all you can control is right now. Do your very best right now and give it your all- and in a way you are perfectly trying. Our perfect example- Christ suffered and paid for our short comings and our imperfections. So that we can overcome our weaknesses and become perfect in Him. The world makes us think we have to be perfect in all the wrong ways. Perfect nails, perfect hair, perfect photos. But are those really the perfect things?  We need to be more charitable  more patient, more holy. I know as we increase our focus on Christ, we can be a little better each day. Being perfect is a process not an event. So realize that it is a process and that you are enough! God is so patient with us and is constantly cheering us on.

I love you all! Thanks for the love & prayers(:

Also Happy Halloween hahah.

Lep Pozdrav(:
Sister Gittins

-Us testifying to a Roman soldier!!
-Jumping for joy because Hurrah for israel!
-fun story.. Balkan parking is crazy! They park in the smallest spots ever and are crazy good at maneuvering. I tried to be Balkan.. and failed... not like crashed or anything I just couldn't fit into the spot. A bunch of old Balkan grandpas tried to walk me through how to park there- but I gave up and parked somewhere else. When I went back to thank them they were so sweet and gave me a rose! I think they felt bad for my awful parking skills!
- all the sisters after the book fair!
-Sister Hart is my so adorable (: 
- Brother Savić and Petar! They are the best!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Week 39 Russian Helicopters and Frankfurt Temple

Well hello.

The Russian VP was here a few days ago. 
They shut down the roads, tons of cops, and a helicopter flew over the road before
 all the black secret agent cars came flooding through. 

We participated in the Frankfurt Temple Re-dedication. It was so amazing! 
They talked a lot about the consistent growth of temples in Europe & the future of more temples.
 We watched it in Serbian which was great, but also very hard to follow along. 
But oh how wonderful to be in the temple of the Lord in Belgrade Serbia! 
It happened on Sunday and it will happen in another 10 years when we get our own temple in Belgrade. 
I better get to work ;) 

We are in the Sajam Book Fair this week! Now people get to come up to us and ask about the Book of Mormon(: 

I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. There is power in this book! It has answers to everything.
 I read a verse this week that pricked at my heart strings:

Mosiah 24
15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light;
 yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, 
and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord. 

God has a work for me to do in Belgrade, Serbia. How cool is that? I know I was assigned here by divine revelation. 
I know that this is exactly where the Lord wants me to be. 
And I know He strengthens me everyday and helps me bear my burdens with ease and cheerfully. 
There is SO much to be grateful for. No matter what you go through, 
the Lord is there to bear you up and strengthen you. But you have to let Him. You have to choose Christ (:

Love you all! Thanks for all the support! Volim vas! Sve najbolje! 

Sister Gittins

Russian flag in the back awww
Belgrade Sign
Book Fair- with Petar and Borko the coolest people ever!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Week 38 Adventures in Serbia

Hello! The subject says Adventures in Serbia just in cyrillics haha. I can finally read cyrillics! (Just VERY very slowly) They don't use cyrillics in Croatia, and I have lived in Serbia for 2 months.... but everything step by step(: 

This week was busy! We moved out of our apartment and moved into a better one! I am so grateful we finally have a floor and a sink that doesn't flood the floor when you do dishes! And like my companion said "we now have beds that don't try to crucify us every time we sleep!" Plus we have an amazing view of Belgrade from our porch(: 

♡A member in the branch came up to me and had this look in his eyes. And he said
"Tacy Gittins, Tacy Gittins - it's like Mary Poppins" 
Hahah! I never realized the similarity but if you're missing me, try saying both of those names out loud and you'll get a laugh;) 

♡A women from Utah came to our sacrament meeting. She said 'I heard the missionaries here love peanut butter, so I brought you a jar of peanut butter'. Then continued to hand me a jar of skippy peanut butter! I got tears in my eyes! How sweet of this women to think of us and bring us a treat! 

We had zone conference this week! It was so great to get a spiritual boost(: I love the missionaries in this mission! They are all so hardworking and dedicated. It motivates me when I see their energy and love. It helps me dive deeper into the work with my family here in Serbia.

Yesterday I gave a talk about the importance of members in missionary work. I never thought I could take up a whole sacrament meeting by speaking in English, but yesterday I almost took up all the time speaking in Serbian! But yes- members! We all need to share the gospel with those around us. We need to share with people what the gospel means to us personally and how it a has blessed our families lives. So look around- who can you help today?(:

I have learned very powerfully lately that the Lord wants to bless us. He wants us to have joy, but we need to follow His commandments. Sometimes on my mission I have cried out to the Lord asking- "Lord I can't do this.. this is too much"... But every time as I have humbled myself and turned to Him I always think- Is it really too much to ask? The God who has given me everything- just wants to bless me. Is it too much of Him to ask of me that I give a year and a half? That I serve His children? No! Simply put missionary work is going out and telling everyone that God loves them and has a plan! I have found more joy when I try to follow Him more exactly and follow His commandments more exactly. So in your life, what commandment might seem too hard- but when put into eternal perspective- really isn't that hard? The Law of Tithing? The Word of Wisdom? The Law of Chastity? I know that if you humble yourself and turn to the Lord, He will help you see that His plan is here to bless you and help you have more joy! "Keep the commandments- in this there is safety and peace"

Sorry for the long boring email. I know at this point the only person reading is my Mom. heheheh. :D Thanks Mom love you lots! 

But here are some fun pictures of zone conference & life! 

Hurrah for Israel!
Love you all! Thanks for the prayers! 
сестра гитинс

Monday, October 7, 2019

Week 37 Cookies & No sugar All in one(:

Hello quick email! 

This week we did a lot of member work. We made lots of chocolate chip cookies and delivered those to all the members in our area with the Amos 3:7 scripture and an invite to watch General Conference. Sister Mahilović was so grateful we brought them those. She says that no one has ever brought her family something before. Glad we could bring a smile (: Then we found a less active member who we had called tons! She let us in and we had a great discussion on relying on the Lord. Hopefully she will see the necessity of coming to church!

I got my birthday packages!! You are the best ever mom! Thanks for the new clothes! I am now set for life! (Life as a missionary)

I did a whole week without sugar! Which was really hard- but wahooooo(: Now I need to do a whole week without breads..

Tuesday nights we have game nights here in the Belgrade branch! So every Tuesday we play lots of uno or ping pong and foosball(: My uno skills are improving & hopefully my ping pong as well! 

Friday we ate at Petars house! We ate sarma and potatoes! It was so yummy! He is the branch mission coordinator and so we had our meeting first, then the yummy food second! We drove there with the sisters and had a really fun jam session to efy music! 

Today we hiked Fruška Gora(: We did it as a zone and it was so fun to see the other missionaries and talk and hike together! The leaves were all pretty green still, but there were some parts with brown leaves! We hiked to a statue of a women representing freedom or something. So that was a fun adventure! 

We are moving apartments on Wednesday hopefully! It is the worst packing everything from a missionary apartment and moving it! It isn't far from our current apartment, which is really nice, but packing is the worst! Lots of cleaning too.. which is hard because we dont have much time... It is hard to balance all the moving, packing, cleaning, missionary work, etc . I hate feeling like I'm wasting the Lord's time and moving is important- but while we are moving I feel like I'm wasting time! Honestly I hate all the logistical stuff of missionary work. Like moving, visa work, travel times, etc. I just want to be out on the street taking to as many people as possible! Just get me out to people! But this week is hard bc we have to move and blah blah blah... but we will squeeze in time to find in between all the chaos! 

Fun Facts-
I have to find time to write a talk for Sunday.. It is on members helping the missionaries in this awesome work!

I need to find time to practice the piano.. How do I learn Bach in only my meal times..

This gospel is so cool! 

The Apostles and Prophet are the best!

General Conference was so uplifting! I cried through many talks because it was exactly what I needed to hear! One of my favorite quotes was "Today is the day to follow Jesus Christ". It's not tomorrow, it's not wait when I get 5 minutes- it is today! I think conference really focused on doing the spiritual work and growing individually. We each need to grow our own testimonies and do everything necessary to focus on the important things in life. Eternal Life is worth more than anything on this earth. I love that we work together as families to get there! So hey family, what can we do to improve and become more celestial? What can we do to grow together and focus more on what really matters?? 

I miss you all! My heart is full of so much love for you all! Thanks for your prayers. I need them. And I am always praying for you all! Have a great week! 

Sister Gittins

Week 36 Humanitarian work

This week we went to with the Benich's to do some humanitarian work! We looked into a project they are doing and they are building a laundry room for refugees and roma people to do laundry at. The church does SO much humanitarian stuff here! idk how much I can talk about but they do so much!! Like the amounts of money and resources they give! WOAH!!! We didn't really see a whole lot of what they do but we got to meet with the head of the people of the organization ! It is so cool! I love that the church wants to help people in all areas of life. 
Christ wants to help us in all areas of our lives....
you need to go check out Grandma Ruby's family history thing on Family Tree. It has a voice recording of her talking about her and Grandpa's first kiss. I cried when I heard her voice. I know there are so many people at home (In utah) supporting me and so many people at home (in heaven) supporting me! God is so good to surround us with such amazing people! 
also... Why is Grandma Ruth on the family tree website still alive? Someone should fix or update that. Maybe Grandma Ann can help you. Maybe family tree feels like I do sometimes. We both need a little closure. 

LOVE YOU MOTHER! Enjoy life! Don't countdown the days until I come home. Create an adventure and dream big and count down the days;) heheh. Love you so much!! 

hurrah for israel!!