Monday, June 24, 2019

Week 22 Cache Valley Girls Take On Rijeka!

Woot Woot! I made it into my 2nd Transfer! (our transfers are 12 weeks long) My new companion is Sister Gunnell! 

She is from good ol' Cache Valley too and so here we are in Croatia together!

Yesterday we had 50 people at church! IT WAS AMAZING. I was playing prelude and people just kept walking in. 
I kept looking up, and more people would come in, then more, and then our little sacrament was full! Most of them 
were tourists, and we had 17 Croatians! 

We are teaching a really cool man named Marino! It has been so amazing to teach him and clarify the teaching of 
Jesus Christ. He really has been feeling the spirit during our lessons and has begun to pray. We asked him what if
 meant if this church was true and he replied "the world needs to change!" He recognizes the evil in the world and 
really recognizes the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I'm excited for what is to come in his future! 

In life we have SO many choices. There are so many things that we choose, and so many things that other people 
choose that impact us. But in general- we are all seeking for happiness and peace. 
Who doesn't want to be happy?! We have lots of choices in life that will bring us happiness for a quick second. 
But don't we all want lasting happiness? So no matter what you choose- Choose the Savior Jesus Christ.
 If you choose Him, and make covenants with Him, you can be assured that everything will work out. 
We need to build our foundations on Jesus Christ because that is the only sure thing in life. 
So many unseen trials WILL hit you in the future, or are hitting you today! But with Jesus Christ as your foundation,
 and when you make covenants with Him- nothing can stop you from finding that joy. 
Not only finding that joy- but having that joy every single day. 

Helaman 5:12 (:
12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God,
 that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, 
his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, 
it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, 
because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation,
 a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.  

So whatever you choose today, choose the Savior(:
Thanks for all the love and support! It means the world to me!

Sestra Gittins

Mom Note- Dad Lance worked on Sister Gunnell's Grandparents Farm for over 12 years!

Translation of this beautiful sign- Ice Cream for Everyone. My kind of sign! 
Our friend Marino is a fisherman and brought us this bag of fish! heheh

Teaching primary! 

Week 21 1st Transfer Staying in Rijeka

Dear Mom and Family,

Lake Powell seemed like so much fun! I hope you all are recovered and that Morgan's toe nail grows back and Dad's knee and Landons back are all fine! It seemed like a blast! Guess we'll just have to go next August (: woot woot! But really tho I want to go to Snake River next August! I miss you all so much! 

I love this scripture in Alma!
Alma 41:11 I love! It talks about how being in a state contrary to God is being in a state contrary to happiness! It is SO true. Wickedness never was happiness! All the Good things in this world are from God. So when we follow Him and strive to know Him more and more- that is true happiness! Really God is good and bring so much happiness and Joy!! That's why I am here! trying to help people feel the joy that I have!

I hope everything back home is going well! Continue to serve and love others. Small things bring about great things! Look for people you can share the gospel with! Always being willing to share what you love! and Go to the temple lots! all I want is to go to the temple! I love that place and hope the Logan temple isn't closed when I get home! heheh(: You guys are amazing! I miss you all so so much! 

Take things moment by moment(: God is good(:
loveeeeeeee youuuuu allllllllll

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Week 20 Love Is The Key

Hello Family & Friends This week we got smart phones!!
 So our Nokia brick phones are gone!
We have already seen the blessings of Facebook and teaching people through the different resources.
 So if you want to follow me on Facebook- look me up! I have no idea how to work it hehe, but will learn!

We had Zone Conference this week in Zagreb. It's always so fun to be with other missionaries
 and hear about the work in other parks of Croatia! 

My Croatian is coming along! Little by little I am learning Croatian and mostly patience with myself.
Sometimes I really understand what is happening and sometimes I am completely lost.
But the worst is when I think I understand (but really don't) then comment on it..... Like yesterday!!
We were talking to a couple on the street and asking them what they studied in school.
The girl responded and talked a little about her studies.
Then her boyfriend responded and I thought he said "I finished school".
So I respond with "Oh that's great!" But come to find out- he said "I was in prison."
 So... After I realized what he actually said I apologized and we all got a laugh out of my language skills....
 Heaven help me. hahahah! (: 

I read a talk this week by Elder Rasband titled- "Be Not Troubled". It really lifted my spirits and reminded
 me to replace any fear with faith. Replace any fear with LOVE. I love this quote:
"If we actively trust in the Lord and His ways, if we are engaged in His work,
 we will not fear the trends of the world or be troubled by them. 
I plead with you to set aside worldly influences and pressures and seek spirituality
 in your daily life. Love what the Lord loves—which includes His commandments, 
His holy houses, our sacred covenants with Him, the sacrament each Sabbath day, 
our communication through prayer—and you will not be troubled."  
If we actively trust in God, and love what He loves- all will work out. I know that I am the happiest when I work hard
and love the people. It's all about love! 

I'm so grateful for all the people in my life who love and support me.
I'm so grateful for the Savior and His hand in my daily life.

LOVE IS THE KEY(: Love you all!
Sister Gittins

Monday, June 3, 2019

Week 19 I Love the City that Flows

  A popular saying in Rijeka is "I love the City that Flows"/ "Volim grad koji teče".
 Both because it is by the sea and also because it rains so much! 
 This week we saw so much rain! It rains more here than in London! 
 But that's okay, because when conversations get dull or awkward I just comment on the weather,
 and that really gets the other person like joj!!! 

 But besides the rain we had a great week! We were able to teach our friend Drago! 
 He knows the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that this is the 
 Restored Church of Jesus Christ!!! Now he is seeking and praying to know if this is the right path for him.
 I have learned that the Holy Ghost is the true teacher. He will tell us in our minds and in our hearts the truth!
 I know Drago will receive that witness that this is the right path for him!! 

I love serving in Rijeka and can see all the potential that is in this city!! 
God loves His children and really wants them to find peace and happiness. 
I know that through the gospel of Jesus Christ -that is how we find true and lasting happiness. 
I love being a missionary and sharing that love with those around me! But this isn't easy!
 Even tho we are sharing the most important message, sometimes my heart becomes heavy and
I don't know how I can keep going on. This week the Lord definitely humbled me,
 I had to learn some lessons the hard way. But I've learned so much! And I've held onto my scriptures. 
And most importantly I've held onto my Savior Jesus Christ. He doesn't send us here to be alone. 
He will walk with us. This week I truly felt Him walk with me when I no longer could.
 I know He is always here for me and He is always there for you!! When I feel the Savior's love I feel so motivated 
to share that with others! And I truly have felt His love! Through the big things and the small things!
I'm so grateful to be a missionary at this time!! 

Thanks for all the love and prayers!! 
Hurrah for Israel!!

P.S. This is Zorica! The sweetest woman ever! And the Christensen's bought me a pineapple!! 
I haven't had pineapple in FOREVER!!! It's the small things in life(: And the amazing people like the Christensens!!